Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12--church day

     Today we left for church at 9 am.  It starts in Chennai at 11, and it’s about a two-hour drive there.  I never get tired of riding in the car here, because there’s a non-stop parade of fascinating stuff to look at out the window.
     I was surprised how nice the church is and how many people were there.  There were maybe 120 people in sacrament meeting.  There are three branches in Chennai that meet at that building.  The people are good at English and most of the church services occurred in English.  One of the sacrament meeting talks was in Tamil, and many of the comments in Sunday School were kind of a mix of Tamil and English.  Younger members and men are more likely to be good at English, but it seemed almost everyone could speak it passably.
     On the way home we stopped at a Domino’s Pizza, where the staff assumed I was the boss of a company outing.  The kids had a good time eating pizza, and they all insisted on having their picture taken with the employee of the month (or “Service Guru”), whose photo was on the wall.  The Indians ate it up, and our kids thought it was hilarious.  Also on the way home, our tire was low and we stopped at an Indian tire store for some air.  Gunnels Tire it wasn’t.

     I’m having mangoes and pineapple for dinner tonight, and we’ll see what else I feel like eating.  Tomorrow it’s off to Behtelnagar, another leprosy colony.

Lily and I in the Chennai chapel (notice her cute sari)

 The teeming road in front of the Chennai chapel

 Lily with this month's Service Guru!

The Indian tire store (see the air hose leading to our bus?)

1 comment:

  1. Did Lily buy that sari or is it the school's? It's so cute on her, and would be awesome for Halloween!
